Low Cost Bankruptcy Programs, Divorce, DUI, Affordable Attorneys / Lawyers, Payment plans – MN!

Our mission is to provide low cost legal help to those seeking to avoid potentially unnecessary legal fees. Let us help you avoid potentially expensive pit-falls involved in obtaining professional legal assistance. Whether you’re looking to file for bankruptcy, a low cost divorce settlement, seeking the assistance of an attorney or lawyer, or are seeking restitution in a civil lawsuit, Affordable Resource Center MN will provide you with a qualified program attorney to assist you at a discount rate.

affordable bankruptcy programs, minneapolis, mnLow Cost Bankruptcy! Provides and can help you to achieve a quality low cost bankruptcy discharge and remove you from the burden imposed by debts.

* We are a debt relief agency. We help people file for bankruptcy under the code.

Financial Plan

$405.00 pmt. – Starts Program Benefits
$904.00 pmt. – Chpt. 7 Attorney and Court Filing Fee’s
*customer pays directly to program attorney.
$24.90 pmt. – 2 Certificates
*customer pays directly to counseling company.
$1333.90 – Total
* Post Bankruptcy credit restoration included
Chpt.13 – (additional Attorney fees paid through the courts)

affordable divorce settlement, minneapolis, mnDivorce Settlements! Quite often many standard legal documents dealing with divorce, custody, and simple name changes, can be prepared by a paralegal and obtain a divorce decree.

Family Plan

$570 pmt. starts Program Benefits

  • Divorce: NO minor (child)ren
  • Divorce: WITH minor (child)ren
  • Custody/Child support: (Parents never married)
  • Divorce: Modifications
  • Response: Divorce action
  • Adoption: (Step Parent or Relative only)

We will provide all your court documents required for filing. Access to a program attorney to answer legal questions will be provided at no additional cost to you.

(Family Plan) All filing/court fees are additional and paid directly to the county court.
In some cases court fee can be waived depending on your income.

low cost lawyer, attorneyLawyers and Attorneys

DUI / Criminal / Other Plan

$330.00 pmt. starts Program Benefits

Program attorney review and council on all issues.
Program attorney fee’s additional at a reduced rate.
You decide that a lawyer should be retained.